Old News
- August 2023: As the lab begins its fifth year, it also graduates its first PhD student–congrats on your defense Pooja!!
- August 2023: Welcome to new undergrad students Julia Simon and Taseen Taraqnova!
- August 2023: Welcome to new PhD student Adnan Arnaout! Also, congrats to Pratyusha Ghosh for moving from the MS to the PhD program!
- August 2023: The lab is awarded an NIGMS equipment supplement grant to purchase a NIR hyperspectral microscope!
- August 2023: Myesha successfully defended her Master’s thesis!
- June 2023: Welcome to new summer lab members: Sofia Kasthelyan, Hanan Yafai, Pritilata Islam, and Christopher Dyjak!
- June 2023: 7 members of the lab presented at the 2023 American Chemical Society Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting at the Graduate Center: Anastasiia, Pratyusha, Myesha, Zachary, Atara, Pooja, and Amelia all presented posters!
- Congrats to our grads! Pratyusha from the BME Master’s program, Sergio and Sadiyah as BME undergrads, and Arantxa with a Master’s from Pace University!
- May 2023: 5 lab members attended the Electrochemical Society Annual Meeting in Boston. Ryan, Pooja, and Amelia presented talks, while Zachary and Atara presented posters. We had a great meeting!
- May 2023: BME Day 2023 saw most of the lab present their posters and we had two Master’s student awards: Pratyusha Ghosh and Myesha Thahsin! Sadiyah Parveen also won an undergraduate research award!
- April 2023: Congrats to Pooja for winning one of three NanoBioNYC PhD Program student awards at the program kickoff! And congrats to all 6 grad students for presenting their research!
- March 2023: Anastasiia, Arantxa, and Myesha presented their work at the 2023 AAPS NERDG meeting at St. John’s University. Anastasiia won the 2nd place poster prize!
- December 2022: Welcome to new technician Syeda Rahman!
- October 2022: The lab is awarded Supplement funding from the CCNY-MSK partnership for 2023 to pursue research into oxidative stress in onconephrology.
- October 2022: The lab’s second paper in the Journal of Solid State Science and Technology is published by first-author Zachary! We are on a roll!
- September 2022: The lab published its first paper in Pharmaceutical Research. Congrats to current and former members Rachel and Arantxa on being co-first authors!
- September 2022: The lab is awarded NIH funding from the National Cancer Institute through the CCNY-MSK partnership! Congrats team!
- September 2022: The lab is awarded a NIH Research Supplement to fund the training of new PhD student Atara Israel! Congrats Atara!
- August 2022: The lab welcomes new undergrad students Jeremy Aguilar and Yumna Ahmed!
- August 2022: The Williams Lab is growing again–this time we welcome new PhD students Atara Israel and Anastasiia Vasylaki!
- August 2022: The lab is pleased to welcome new Master’s student Myesha Thahsin! We are also excited to welcome undergraduates Sergio Garcia and Georgina Castellano!
- June 2022: We are excited to work with Sadiyah Parveen as a NSF STEM Summer Fellow and Abdel Ahmed as a BME REU student this summer!
- June 2022: Congrats to our graduating undergrads! Carolina Cen Feng, Carol Lopez, Rooshi Parikh, and Krystin Frederick!
- March 2022: PhD Student Pooja Gaikwad is awarded a CUNY Graduate Center Dissertation Year Award!
- March 2022: PhD Student Amelia Ryan was accepted into the CCNY G-RISE Program! Congrats Amelia!
- February 2022: Welcome to new postdoc Nikunj Visaveliya! Excited to work with you!
- January 2022: We are excited to welcome new Master’s students Pratyusha Ghosh!
- October 2021: Welcome to new postdoc Jun Zhou! We’re excited you are a part of the team!
- September 2021: We are happy to welcome new technician Arantxa Roach to the Williams Lab!!
- August 2021: The Williams Lab welcomes new BME PhD student Amelia Ryan!!
- August 2021: The Williams Lab received an NIH NIGMS R35 MIRA ESI grant! This award will fund our work in using nanosensors to study cytokine biology in chronic disease from 2021-2026. Great job team!
- August 2021: The Williams Lab received a 2021 ASRC Seed Grant! Congrats team!
- June 2021: Ryan Williams receives an Oak Ridge Associated Universities Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award! Congrats to the lab team!
- June 2021: Uriel Alvira and Jalen Crespo join the lab as CCNY-MSK PURT summer students! Welcome!
- August 2020: The Williams Lab welcomes new PhD students Pooja Gaikwad and Lauren Prudhomme!!
- July 2020: The lab re-opens at reduced capacity
- May 2020: Erin Keblish receives CCNY – NSF STEM Summer Research Internship and Rashida Zannat Akifa receives ICCAE Summer Internship!
- March 2020: Campus is shut down for COVID-19
- January 2020: First full-group research activities
- November 2019: First group meeting
- August 2019: Dr. Williams joins CCNY BME!