Williams Lab Group Photo, December 2022

The Williams Immune Nanomedicine Lab is in the Biomedical Engineering Department of the Grove School of Engineering at the City College of New York. The lab aims to design and translate nanomedicines relating to targets in inflammatory disease processes. Specifically, we are developing kidney-targeted polymeric nanoparticles as therapeutic tools for renal diseases and implantable optical nanosensor devices as diagnostic tools for cancer and other inflammation-driver diseases. The three primary facets of each project are 1) engineer and characterize novel materials, 2) use nanomaterials to address biological questions, and 3) translate nanomaterials to the clinic.

The City College of New York
Grove School of Engineering
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Nanotechnology and Biomaterials Research in BME
CUNY Graduate Center PhD Program in Chemistry
CUNY ASRC Nanoscience Initiative
Williams Lab Research

Recent Williams Lab News

  • October 2024: The lab has received a new grant! We will work to develop novel therapeutics for glomerular diseases as part of the new NIMHD-funded CUNY MED RCMI Award in collaboration with Kirk Campbell and Jenny Wong at Mt. Sinai and Edgar Jaimes at MSKCC!
  • October 2024: Ryan, Amelia, Pratyusha, Anastasiia, Adnan, and Jessica attended the BMES 2024 Annual Meeting in Baltimore to present their work, recruit new members, and network! Ryan gave a talk and we had 4 posters presented, nice work team!
  • October 2024: Amelia won an oral presentation award at the 2nd annual CUNY-wide NanoBioNYC symposium. Congrats Amelia!
  • September 2024: Ryan presented the lab’s work at the Stony Brook University Department of Medicine and Rutgers University Department of Biomedical Engineering!
  • September 2024: Our new IMA, a Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Microscope, from Photon Etc. is here!
  • August 2024: The lab is so excited to welcome our four newest full-time members! Celina Stefoni is a visiting PhD student from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Julia Morris is a CCNY RAMP Postbac Trainee, Catarina Ferraz is a 1st year BME PhD student, and Zoe Schoales is a 1st year BME PhD/CCNY TREAD Program student.
  • August 2024: Arantxa Roach completed her Master’s Thesis defense in Biochemistry from Pace University based on her work in the lab. Congrats Arantxa and we wish you best of luck in your new position at the Hospital for Special Surgery!
  • July 2024: Welcome to high school student Jason Zielenski!
  • June 2024: Amelia’s first first-authorĀ  paper is published inĀ ACS Sensors with Syeda as second author. Congrats team!
  • June 2024: The lab welcomes summer PURT student Andrew Ciprian!
  • June 2024: The lab celebrated Pooja’s graduation from the Graduate Center!
  • Congrats to May 2024 graduate Christopher Dyjak!
  • April 2024: Zachary’s paper on a non-invasive injectable nanosensor is published in Advanced Optical Materials in collab with the Nicoll Lab! Congrats team!
  • April 2024: Amelia, Syeda, Atara, and Pratyusha presented their work at the Northeast Bioengineering Conference at Stevens Institute
  • March 2024: Arantxa, Anastasiia, Adnan, and Pratyusha present their work at the AAPS Northeast Reginal Discussion Group in Mystic, CT
  • February 2024: Anastasiia and Pratyusha had a co-first author review published in Kidney360 of the ASN in collaboration with Edgar Jaimes at MSKCC! Congrats!
  • January 2024: Welcome to new Master’s students Poojaa and Jessica, as well as undergrad Shakuntala!
  • August 2023: As the lab begins its fifth year, it also graduates its first PhD student–congrats on your defense Pooja!!
  • August 2023: Welcome to new undergrad students Julia Simon and Taseen Taraqnova!
  • August 2023: Welcome to new PhD student Adnan Arnaout! Also, congrats to Pratyusha Ghosh for moving from the MS to the PhD program!
  • August 2023: The lab is awarded an NIGMS equipment supplement grant to purchase a NIR hyperspectral microscope!
  • August 2023: Myesha successfully defended her Master’s thesis!

Older news can be found here.